Frequently asked questions
We hope you are happy with the service you receive from merseyflow. In the event that your experience is not what you would expect we would like to hear about it. This will help us improve our future service and put things right for you if errors have occurred.
This process covers complaints only. If you wish to challenge (make a representation) against a PCN please go to Please note, the PCN representation process follows a different process with differing response timescales.
Merseyflow has a dedicated in house team that will investigate, action and respond to complaints, following a fair and balanced approach.
You can make your complaint on the website at, via email to, through our Customer Contact Centre or in writing to:
Merseyflow Customer Services
PO BOX 327
Please include full details of your complaint along with your contact information and vehicle details.
We will aim to respond to your complaint within 3 working days, if we require more time to investigate we will let you know the reasons why and the approximate timescales for a full response.
Complaints escalation process:
If you are not happy with our response you have the right to ask for your case to be reviewed by the Complaints Manager. They will make initial contact with you to advise of response timescales on an individual basis. Complaints will be escalated where relevant to Halton Borough Council and the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board only when the said complaint has been through the full merseyflow complaints process. Any complaints sent to Halton Borough Council or the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board in the first instance will not be addressed. All complaints must go to merseyflow via the communication methods above first.