

How much will it cost to cross the bridges?

The costs for crossing the two bridges vary for different types of vehicles, and there are various special discount packages available and several ways to reduce your journey cost.

  • Eligible Halton residents can pay a £10 annual admin fee and then make as many personal trips as they like across the river at no extra cost.
  • Blue Badge holders can cross both bridges unlimited at no extra charge once they have successfully registered and paid a £5 one-off registration fee.
  • Anyone, wherever they live, can save up to 10% on the unregistered toll/charge by registering for a pre-pay sticker account and paying a £5 one-off fee.
  • Anyone who drives a car or a small van can cap their costs by buying an 'unlimited travel' or 'off-peak' monthly pass.

You will be able to drive over both bridges without registering, but by doing this you will have to pay the full unregistered toll/charge cost for each journey you make either in advance or by 11.59 pm the day after you cross. If you don’t pay on time you will receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

Click to see exempt vehicles.

Pay for a crossing

Payment method class 1_vehicles class 2_vehicles class 3_vehicles class 4_vehicles Discount on the standard toll/charge Comments
Sticker-registered Free £1.80 £5.40 £7.20 10% Discount for sticker and registration.
Video-registered Free £1.90 £5.70 £7.60 5% For those users who register, but do not want a sticker
Unregistered toll/charge
(no discount)
Free £2.00 £6.00 £8.00 0% “Pay by plate” unregistered users pay this toll/charge.

If you drive a class 2 vehicle - a car or a small van - you can BUY A MONTHLY PASS

class 2_vehicles Pass type Monthly cost Hours of validity
Unlimited travel pass £90 24 hours a day on both bridges
Off-peak pass £60 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday
7pm - 7am Monday - Friday
24 hours a day Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

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